

We offer both Court Evaluations (Adult, Adolescent) and DUI Evaluations in accordance with the Illinois Division of Alcohol and Substance Abuse (DASA) and the Illinois Secretary of State.

Adult Level 0.5 Moderate Risk Education 

12 hours of Outpatient Treatment delivered in six-2 hour classes, twice weekly. Successful completion is contingent upon maintaining abstinence from drug and alcohol use for the duration of treatment, participation, attendance and completion of treatment plan goals. Abstinence is monitored through random drug screening. 

Adult Level I Outpatient Significant Risk 

20 hours of Outpatient Treatment delivered in ten-2 hour classes, twice weekly. Successful completion is contingent upon maintaining abstinence from drug and alcohol use for the duration of treatment, participation, attendance and completion of treatment plan goals. Abstinence is monitored through random drug screening.

Adult Level II Outpatient

75 hours of Intensive Outpatient treatment delivered in 3 hour groups 3 times per week. Typically lasts 8-10 weeks. Successful completion is contingent upon maintaining alcohol/drug abstinence, participation, attendance, completion of treatment plan goals and weekly attendence in AA/NA. Abstinence is monitored through random drug screening. Beginning to build sober support in the community is required.

Followed by a period of continuing care delivered via 1 hour group weekly. 75 hours.

Driver's Risk Education

A 10 hour education program completed in four consecutive
2 1/2 hour classes. Fulfills Illinois Secretary of State requirement.


Dr. Ronald Christensen



+ (309) 944 6205